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About Katherine Hooper


Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Follow the breadcrumbs….

My love of therapy developed at the tender age of 13 when I had my first session with a Clinical Psychologist. My parents had recently divorced. I recall the image of a ‘Woman in Red’ and her upmarket office! However, it was an intimidating and awkward experience - I never did return, but, in hindsight, it turned out to be a vital gift, a door that opened… I knew thereafter that I wanted to be a Therapist. I subsequently went on to study Psychology at university but yet again felt little connection or Eros to the subject as a ‘Science’. Eventually, after my own divorce, this paved the way to the discovery of Archetypal Psychotherapy, and introduced to me by my teachers. I soon ‘fell in love’ with this work, knowing that this was the kind of ‘la facon de vie’ I had been hungering for most of my adult life. During the many years of on-going analysis that has followed, little did I know, that this was going to open up to such a hard, yet compelling, stimulating and rich inner landscape...Major shifts occured...

To the Gingerbread House

Born in Canada, raised and lived in a few parts of South Africa; lived in the UK for a number of years and have travelled extensively, both locally and internationally…A mother of 2 sprightly young adult males and parent to 2 dogs-one deaf, the other blind, which may say more about the owner than the dogs! I volunteer, do yoga, dance and meditate as regularly as I can, but definitely can’t live without a good night sleep, a coffee and a daily walk! I mostly eat healthily and try to laugh at myself as much as possible. On every third day or so, I attempt to be more serious about life, or life does that anyway! I have a keen appreciation of aesthetics- I particularly love beautiful décor, gnarled old trees, dramatic sunsets, stark landscapes, old buildings, a vast night sky and twinkling lights! Ever since I was a child, I also developed a love for the cinema…! I love philosophy and studying; I value family and friends; travelling; cooking; the Karroo; quirky people and objects d’art…Besides that, I am just a very ordinary character, living a simple and blessed life…

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